
Samedi 1er octobre 2011 à 23:28


Comment ça se passe, les astres ou jenesaisquelleautreforcesupérieure se sont mis d'accord pour que je passe constamment de l'euphorie à la nostalgie ? Le retour à la réalité se fait de plus en plus difficile.. Après Brighton, aka meilleurestroissemainesdemavie, le retour du voyage d'inté se fait insoutenable. Retrouver ces sensations, découvrir et apprendre à connaître de nouvelles personnes dans un cadre inhabituel, coupure de routine; tout ça pour quoi ? Pour que le réveil soit d'autant plus brutal.
Illustration HS mais..FRED quoi ♥ 

Dimanche 25 septembre 2011 à 10:05

" Sand is overrated. It's just tiny, little rocks."

The piece of art is from here.

Vendredi 23 septembre 2011 à 22:32

"Pendant un bref moment, tout était différent quelque chose s'était établi, quelque chose de profond, le temps s'est arrêté, le mouvement aussi. On a tous ressenti cette connivence et la vie a repris son cours."


John Steinbeck_

Mercredi 21 septembre 2011 à 20:50

 It's weird to realise how some moments in your life can change it and leave their mark on you. That's the basis of nostalgia in which I'm currently drawn. Obviously, there are loads of moments like this in a lifetime and you just end-up forgetting it with time, keeping a slight and elusive memory of it with strongless emotions. I'm pretty sure you're not part of them.
 It has just been a few weeks since these photographs were taken and in the meantime I feel as if it was yesterday, cause I can still hear your voices next to me, I can perfectly imagine the way you will be laughing at my spanish accent etc. However, I miss you so much that I also feel like it's been ages since I saw you for the last time, since I saw your beautiful smiles, since I've heard your lovely accents and your extremely funny speeches. 
 Everytime I start remembering scenes from there, nostalgia brought by those photographs, I can feel the tears dashing to my eyes and suddenly held when about to pour like rain on my cheeks. Because, if I start to be overwhelmed by nostalgia, I'm not going to stop, my heart so full of significant and powerful memories.
 This sensation is definitely like no other. Everything just seems miles more boring and tasteless without you. Even a mere daily occupation with you filled my heart with delight and with the feeling to belong somewhere. Which I think is the best sensation ever : with you is were I belong.

"Rutina que, sin embargo, también se reserva momentos de felicidad únicos y memorables. Dejarte sorprender por ellos, apreciarlos y disfrutarlos...a la espera del próximo verano."

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