
Mardi 27 septembre 2011 à 22:05

"I know we're not like the others, our friendship isn't going to fade after high school. I'm not like them, I won't let you down for my boyfriend."
She used to say...

What's the fuck with this ? Is the mix end-of-high-school/new-boyfriend fateful for friendship ? I didn't want to believe it..'till now. 'Till she let us down, like the others did. Collateral damages : I didn't loose my best friend, but two of them. I'm convinced it's the same in every part of the world. It's universal. 
"There are no friends, only moments of friendship."
I'm pretty sure Jules Renard has been disappointed more than one time. 

Anyway, I may have lost who I thought were the perfect human being but actually in August, I did have discovered THE only three most outstanding girls ever born. 
If I start back, with all this pure friendship around me, despite of all these miles, I don't regret at all those two selfish people I used to love. Sometimes, a long distance friendship worths better than close friends. I'd change it for nothing in the world. 

Dimanche 25 septembre 2011 à 23:37

 DAILY REPORT : I always feel the need to say how much I miss them. Never enough, there are so many different ways to say it, each having a particular power. So for today I'll be lazy and just quote a sentence from Grey's Anatomy which is for me, considerably power-and -meaningful. 

"Elles me manquent, c'est atroce, elles me manquent  tellement. C'est pas par vagues, c'est constant. Tout le temps, sans répit."

If I keep going like this, this blog will end-up being an altar to you tias.

Dimanche 25 septembre 2011 à 10:05

" Sand is overrated. It's just tiny, little rocks."

The piece of art is from here.

Vendredi 23 septembre 2011 à 22:32

"Pendant un bref moment, tout était différent quelque chose s'était établi, quelque chose de profond, le temps s'est arrêté, le mouvement aussi. On a tous ressenti cette connivence et la vie a repris son cours."


John Steinbeck_

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